Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the tech scout

A big part of our recent shoots have been been pre-production: the stuff that clients don't always see, but end up making the shoot day move like clockwork.

One of my favorite pre-pro steps is the tech scout. This is where we take the camera to the location to see what the light is going to look like. We get to dream big here. Picking the perfect time of day to pull off the ideal shot. Sometimes we're looking for that dreamy back light that the sun gives us as it lowers toward the horizon.

I'll often circle around to our ideal locations several times during the day and shoot the best landscape I can get. We're able to flip through them later, noting the time stamps, when we're making our schedule.

This tree will probably be somewhere in the background of a shoot that's happening this week. Though It won't be nearly as prominent as it is in this scouting photo, it's fun to break away from shooting people for a moment and give the spotlight to a cool old tree.

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